Wawa Municipal Council's approved a change to the municipal Zoning By-Law aimed at creating more housing.
Council held a meeting under the Planning Act Tuesday night, discussing amendments that would increase the number of residential units allowed on General Commercial zoned properties, which includes much of Broadway Avenue - land-use planning documents restrict such properties to only allow a single residential unit in the upper floor of a commercial building, even if there are some "non-conforming" properties in that zone.
Chief Building Official Kevin Sabourin explained changing the by-law to allow more than one dwelling unit in such properties would align with various documents: a provincial policy statement that came into effect in October directs municipalities to do everything possible to encourage new housing development; Wawa's Downtown Community Improvement Plan seeks to encourage development of vacant or underutilized property including provisions for additional housing units; and the Wawa Housing Action Plan pledges supporting a wide range of new housing development is a priority.
The amendment - which was subsequently passed in Tuesday's regular Council meeting - also lifts minimum and maximum floor area size and window open restrictions, though it still restricts the residential units to the upper floors of the commercial properties.