Local Hospitals Continue Despite IT Issues

Computer problems are continuing to effect local hospitals - but the situation's improving.

Lady Dunn Health Centre CEO and Director of Patient Care Services Kadean Ogilvie-Pinter has confirmed to JJAM FM News that "much progress has been been made toward the restoration” of the Wawa hospital's “IT infrastructure", but it's still working through the process.

That means the hospital's Diagnostic and Laboratory services are still closed for outpatients, though an update is expected later today.

Speaking with JJAM FM News on Friday, Chapleau Health Services Interim CEO Natasha Comte confirmed the Chapleau hospital is working through the IT issues.

Sudbury's Health Sciences North confirmed last Thursday that all 24 of Northeastern Ontario's hospitals had been impacted by "IT challenges" from a "zero day virus" since Wednesday morning, though it has since reported progress on restoring systems that were put on downtime because of the virus.