The Canadian mining company proposing a new gold mine near Dubreuilville is focusing on needed approvals after clearing a federal environmental assessment.
Argonaut Gold says it's "pleased" Federal Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna's given a positive decision statement for the Magino project, though it notes plans for the rest of the year include the provincial environmental assessment - expected to conclude later in the first half of this year - and subsequent authorizations next year.
While McKenna announced the proposal is "not likely to cause significant adverse environment effects when mitigation measures are taken into account", she did set out 120 conditions to protect fish and fish habitat, migratory birds, human health, the current use of lands and resources for traditional purposes, and species at risk, along with mitigation measures and requirements for a follow-up program.
Located about 14 kilometres southeast of Dubreuilville, the Magino Gold Project's a proposed open pit gold mine with an onsite metal mill - McKenna's release says it's valued at $427-million, and could create up to 550 jobs during construction and 350 during operations over the life of the project.