Wawa Municipal Council has a fairly light night ahead, despite back-to-back meetings.
First up will be a Corporate Planning Commitee meeting, with items to be discussed including: a logo and marketing plan to be presented by Community Services and Tourism Assistant Director Brian Lachine; a regional strategic plan from the Superior East Community Futures Development Corporation; and requests to waive the Community Centre rental fee, arena ice fee, and rental fee for space at 3 Maple Street.
That will be followed by a regular meeting of Council, with items including a by-law for an agreement with the Township of White River, providing the neighbouring community with Building Code Act management, inspection, and enforcement services - essentially renewing a previous agreement.
There are also two "in-camera" items: a deputation about a legal issue regarding a sewer back-up; and an educational item about a procedural item.
Aside from the "in-camera" portion, tonight's meeting is open to the public, starting at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers.