Wawa Council Holding Back-to-Back Meetings

Wawa Municipal Council has a busy night ahead, with back-to-back meetings.

First up is a Corporate Planning Commitee meeting, which will include a deputation from Economic Development Corporation of Wawa Economic Development Director Shah Mohamed, as well as discussion about a proposed revision to the municipality's procedural by-law, which covers when and how meetings are held.

Council will also get an update on water metering and discuss items including a draft policy on arena ice use, ice user fees, ice installation, budget timelines, and a draft by-law on municipal capital facilities for municipal housing facilities.

The committee meeting will be followed by a regular meeting of Council, with items including a staff recommendation to use the old MNR dock on Wawa Lake for fire training, the resignation of a Wawa Cemetery Committee member, a staff recommendation for a joint Community Safety and Well-Being Plan Advisory Committee, and multiple fire protection agreements.

There are also two "in camera" items, both legal issues - one relates to a Freedom of Information request and the other relates to the Waterfront Project.

Aside from the "in camera" portion, tonight's meetings are open to the public, starting at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers.