Wawa Municipal Council has a busy night ahead, with back-to-back meetings.
First up is a Corporate Planning Commitee meeting, which will include a presentation from Kresin Engineering on the "Connecting Link" project, along with discussion on the old MNR dock, a requested appointment to the Library Board, a draft travel expense reimbursement policy, and the draft by-law to regulate, maintain, and manage municipal water and wastewater supply and services.
That will be followed by a regular meeting of Council, with items including resolutions to: appoint a member to the Wawa Public Library Board; adopt the 2019-2024 Accessibility Plan; and support a funding application for the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre modernization project.
Also on the agenda is a third and final reading for the by-law on docking, mooring, launching, and boating on Wawa Lake beachfront properties - if Council votes in favour, the by-law would take effect immediately.
Tonight's meetings are open to the public, starting at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers.