Wawa Council to Apply for Service Delivery Review Funding

Wawa Municipal Council's seeking provincial funding for a municipal service review.

In a special meeting on Wednesday, Council waived the municipality's tendering policy in order to accept KPMG's quotation for a review, and submit a funding application for it, under the provincial government's "Municipal Modernization Program".

Mayor Ron Rody explains the idea would be to bring in KPMG to assess how services are delivered.

KPMG did conduct a similar review nearly a decade ago, and Mayor Rody calls this something of an "update" on that, but notes he's seen reviews that compare the service costs with other municipalities - and he expects this to be quite helpful for the future.

While the review will highlight possible changes, Mayor Rody says Council won't be forced to implement them - but they would be considered.

The Township of Chapleau's also applying under the provincial program, though Council's decided it should focus more on energy use.