Algoma Public Health Hit By Ransomware Attack

Algoma Public Health's cancelled today's appointments amid a ransomware attack.

The local health unit says it was hit with the attack on Friday morning - it blocked access to APH servers, though a statement from APH Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Marlene Spruyt, says the "IT department was able to quickly disconnect the servers from the internet on Friday" and "it appears no personal information or client information was taken".

APH says all appointments at all offices have been cancelled for today as it works to get services back online, though offices - including Wawa's - remain open, with staff able to assist.

The email system isn't working, however, so the health unit recommends calling - the Wawa office's number is 705-856-7208.

It's the latest ransomware attack to have an effect locally, after an attack on the Municipality of Wawa's network in December, and a "zero day virus" at Health Sciences North that impacted services at Wawa and Chapleau's hospitals in January.