Joint Open House Held For Wawa's Toronto Ave. and Waterfront Projects

Wawa residents had an opportunity to learn about two major projects - the Waterfront and Toronto Avenue - in a joint open house Tuesday.

Community Services and Tourism Director Alex Patterson says the open house was an opportunity to inform the public and get input on plans for the waterfront, especially as there are some alternatives proposed to address public concerns about the swales.

Patterson emphasizes feedback from the "community consultation" will help with the selection of an option to bring to Council.

The open house also presented the waterfront's proposed "natural playground", which Patterson calls "fairly unconventional", but also "unique" and a way to diversify what's offered in the community.

Patterson emphasizes that community feedback's needed on the idea, especially if people would prefer a more traditional playground, as the hope is to meet the community's preference.

He does emphasize "time is of the essence" - as the construction season's almost here - so the best way to give input is to go to or call the Community Centre - and he reminds the information is posted online.

As for the Toronto Avenue project, Infrastructure Services Director Cory Stainthorpe says the open house was meant as more of an information session, to update people on the status.

Stainthorpe expects work on Toronto Avenue to resume in the last week of May, to be complete by July.