Wawa's rules for temporary vendors could be changing.
Municipal Council was informed during Tuesday's Policy Committee meeting that staff are working on an updated "temporary vendor, transient, traders, hawkers, and peddlers licenses by-law" which would replace two decades-old by-laws, which CAO/Treasurer Maury O'Neill suggested hadn't been properly enforced in recent years - and she noted there had been some issues relating to such vendors.
Under the new by-law, such vendors would be required to have a business licence with the option of different lengths - suggested options included one day, 48 hours, one month, and the current option of one year, with different prices for each.
The vendors would need permission to sell on private property - and would need to be able to show proof of that permission - and would be banned from selling on municipal boulevards or sidewalks.
A few exemptions might also be included in the by-law, for events such as the By Hand Festival, Fall Fair, Winter Carnival, Drag Races, and Fishing Derbies.
O'Neill emphasized that it would be helpful to have the by-law passed early next month, so that it's in place before it is needed for the summer - especially with the Goose Nest Summer Market to debut Canada Day weekend - and the by-law is expected to come to the June 4th Corporate Planning Committee meeting, possibly going to a vote at the next regular meeting, which would be held immediately after the Corporate Planning meeting.