Superior East OPP Raise Concerns About Illegal Dumping

Local police are raising concerns about dumping alongside roads and in the bush.

Superior East Ontario Provincial Police Constable Trevor Tremblay says such reports are far too common, including one reported in the Wawa area on Monday.

In this case, Tremblay says the items were dumped off the hydro line along the Old Tote Road, which he notes isn't too far from the municipal landfill.

Though he says officers didn't find enough evidence to continue an investigation - but he isn't giving up hope.

Constable Tremblay notes those illegally dumping items face charges under the Environmental Protection Act - which could carry fines of $1000-$2000 for the first conviction, or $3000-$4000 for subsequent offences - and there could be municipal by-law or other charges, depending on where the items are dumped.