Wawa Getting Provincial Funding For Mission Road and Main Street Work

Wawa is getting provincial backing for changes to Mission Road - and work on Main Street.

Mayor Ron Rody explains the Municipality has received a letter from Ontario's Minister of Transportation, Caroline Mulroney, confirming "Connecting Link" funding.

While Infrastructure Services Director Cory Stainthorpe's continually emphasized the plan is subject to changes in the design phase, the proposal presented to the province would see Mission Road change from the current four lanes - two each direction - to one lane each direction with a middle turning lane and bike lanes on each side.

It's a move that is actually expected to help reduce travel speed along Mission Road, eliminating opportunity for drivers to weave in and out of lanes - Council has been told the change generally makes it safer and improves flow, following adjustments.

Another key part of the proposal would be crosswalks, proposed for three points: the intersection of Mission Road with Churchill and Winston; the intersection of Mission and Magpie; and the intersection of Mission with Main Street and Third Avenue.

It would also see work on Main Street from that intersection, including slightly thinner islands dividing the existing lanes of opposing traffic.

Mayor Rody expects public consultation this fall, with plans to be confirmed over the winter so construction can happen next summer.