Pukaskwa National Park Holding Second Annual BioBlitz

Pukaskwa National Park's encouraging people to help discover the diversity of species in the park over the next day.

Visitor Experience Manager Amy Mackey explains a "BioBlitz" will be held to find and identify as many species as possible.

Mackey says Pukaskwa's first BioBlitz (in August 2018) focused on a small section of the park's "front country".

Mackey emphasizes that the BioBlitz doesn't mean any closures for the park - in fact, people are encouraged to come out and participate, joining in hikes with experts and learning about the park's biodiversity - even if you've been a longtime visitor.

The BioBlitz runs from 12 noon today (Tuesday, July 9th) to 12 noon tomorrow (Wednesday, July 10th).