Wawa Council Defers Decision on Wawa Lake Docking, Mooring, Launching, and Boating Policy

Wawa Municipal Council's putting off a final vote for a proposed policy on docking, mooring, launching, and boating on Wawa Lake beachfront properties.

While the policy was included among a group of by-laws up for approval, Mayor Ron Rody stated during last night's regular meeting that he'd been asked ahead of time to revisit it, and he asked that it only be given "first and second" reading rather than the "first, second and third" readings Council usually gives a by-law - that means the by-law has not been passed and does not yet come into force, but will instead need to come back to Council for that third reading.

Though it was posted for public comment until last Tuesday, the policy had not been revised since it was first brought to Council August 13th.

At that time, CAO/Treasurer Maury O'Neill explained the idea stemmed from concerns raised by some members of the public.

O'Neill emphasized the policy isn't meant to restrict or deter boaters from enjoying the waterfront.

It may be a while before the policy is brought to a final vote: Mayor Rody asked it be re-posted for public comment until the end of October, then brought to a committee meeting in November for further discussion, with the aim of a vote in early December.