Action Urged to Save Lake Superior Mainland Caribou

Alarms are being raised for Lake Superior mainland caribou along the north shore.
A group of caribou supporters who've been working with Michipicoten First Nation are warning that the population has been dwindling, dropping from over 1000 in 2014 to "likely less than 40" divided among three "small and isolated" populations by early 2018, with those on Lake Superior island particularly hard hit by predators.
Noting an aerial survey last winter found no caribou or signs of them - though it was conducted later in the season and covered a smaller area - they're calling for an intensive aerial survey early this winter to detect what few caribou are left, then immediately move them to a predator-free island in Lake Superior - what they call "the only chance these caribou have".
They're further urging everyone to press the provincial government - particularly Premier Doug Ford and Environment Minister Jeff Yurek - noting public pressure worked to help rescue the last Lake Superior island caribou in 2018.