Wawa Council Holding Back-to-Back Meetings

Wawa Municipal Council's set to hold back-to-back meetings tonight.

First up is a Corporate Planning Committee meeting, with the agenda including a COVID-19 update, a "Continuity of Operations Plan", and annual review of the procedural by-law.

That'll be followed by a regular meeting of Council, set to include resolutions rescheduling December meetings and supporting a 2nd annual Ice Candle Celebration Day, and a by-law to adopt a new Code of Conduct and Ethics for Employees.

There are also four "in-camera" items: a personnel issue about staffing; a legal issue about employee benefits; a legal issue relating to a Code of Conduct complaint; and a "corporate matter" about "Municipal Transformation".

Aside from the "in-camera" portion, the meetings will broadcast on the Muncipality of Wawa's YouTube channel, starting at 6:30 tonight.