More COVID-19 Cases Confirmed in Thunder Bay Area

Several new cases have been confirmed in the Thunder Bay area - including an unspecified "district community".

The Thunder Bay District Health Unit's reported 54 from Friday through today, mostly in the Thunder Bay area, including dozens at the Southbridge Roseview long-term care home, which is in the midst of an outbreak - it has seen two COVID-related deaths in recent days, bringing the region's death toll to four.

There were also a pair of cases in unspecified district communities - that could include Marathon, which saw its first reported case last week - with another in an unspecified First Nation community.

The health unit's seen a total of 308 case, 93 of which are "active", including two in hospital.

Public Health Sudbury and Districts has confirmed its 230th case - travel-related, in Greater Sudbury - it has eleven "active" at this time.

Algoma Public Health currently has three "active", while the Porcupine Health Unit only has one, which is outside its region.