Wawa Council Presented Draft 2020 Capital Budget

Wawa Municipal Council has had its first look at this year's proposed capital budget.
The municipality's department heads each outlined projects planned for the year - or next few years - with CAO/Treasurer Maury O'Neill noting Council had directed staff to keep the operating budget increase to no more than the annual cost of living increase, maintaining expenditures at the previous year's level - adding an increase to fund capital projects - with plans to continue building reserves and work on long-term budgeting.
In total, nearly $6.4-million in projects were outlined, though much of that would be covered by outside funding, with only $314,000 to come from taxation and a further $1.3-million from reserves - the rest would be covered by another source, which includes grants, donations, or - in the case of water and sewer projects - water and sewer user fees, as O'Neill noted provincial law requires those fees to cover the costs of the system, a goal Wawa has not yet met.
Many of the projects outlined have already been approved to some extent, including the finishing of the Waterfront Project and work at Scenic High Falls Park, the replacement of the arena condenser, the purchase of a new fire pumper/tanker for the fire department, the Connecting Link project, the landfill expansion, the LNG study, and the wrapup of the THM Study - though next steps for that will need to be determined.
Other projects outlined include a service delivery review, Broadway Avenue street furniture, arena truss painting - noted to be required this year - an air compressor for the fire department, a computer software upgrade, airport gas tank replacement, a sewer jet and vacuum trailer, and water main valve installation.
Also highlighted was school zone road work, noted to be dependent on government funding.
Plans are to gather public input on the draft capital budget - with the presentation to be made publicly available - then bring it up for Council approval on March 4th, before moving on to the operating budget April 7th.