Wawa Council Approves Change to Michipicoten Golf Club Loan Agreement

Wawa Municipal Council's approved a change to a loan agreement for the Michipicoten Golf Club, letting the club pay off the loan with major purchases.
The original loan agreement in August 2016 allowed the club to make payments when it could afford to do so - with some payments made in 2017 and 2018 - but Council agreed to change that during last night's regular meeting, passing a resolution authorizing repayment through an annual write-down based on capital purchases for the local golf course, with proof of payment.
That resolution stipulates capital expenditures must be for "major physical goods or services that will be used for more than one year or for a long-term that increases or improves its fixed assets over $1000, such as: plant, tools, machinery and equipment purchases; building expansion and improvements; and hardware purchases" - normal operating or maintenance expenditures would not count.
Mayor Ron Rody spoke in favour of the idea, saying - if the golf club shut down - Council Chambers would be "full" of people demanding the Municipality keep it open, particularly for its social and recreational uses, but also given its benefit to the economy by employing local workers - and its use in fundraisers for various local organizations and causes.