Wawa Council Approves 2020 Capital Budget and Schedule of Fees

Wawa Municipal Council's approved the municipality's 2020 capital budget.
Presented to Council just over a month ago, the document outlines nearly $6.4-million in projects, though much of that total would be covered by outside funding, with only $314,000 coming from taxation and a further $1.3-million from reserves - the rest would be covered by another source, such as grants, donations, or - in the case of water and sewer projects - water and sewer user fees.
Many of the projects had already been approved to some extent, including the finishing of the Waterfront Project and work at Scenic High Falls Park, the replacement of the arena condenser, the purchase of a new fire pumper/tanker for the fire department, the Connecting Link project for Mission Road and Main Street, the landfill expansion, the LNG study, and the wrapup of the THM Study.
Other projects include a service delivery review, Broadway Avenue street furniture, arena truss painting - noted to be required this year - an air compressor for the fire department, a computer software upgrade, airport gas tank replacement, a sewer jet and vacuum trailer, and water main valve installation.
Also highlighted was school zone road work, noted to be dependent on government funding.
In addition to the new capital budget, Council has also approved the new schedule of fees for the year.
Plans were originally to present the operating budget in early April, though that's been delayed, as Council has cancelled all of its meetings - and all committee meetings - through April 20th.
The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for April 21st, and would be held in the banquet room of the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre.