LDHC Updates on COVID-19 Measures

In an effort to reduce the spread of COVID-19, Wawa's Lady Dunn Health Centre is keeping most programs and services going - though with some restrictions.
The hospital notes restricted visitation's in place, limited to one or two people visiting patients or residents who are very ill or requiring end-of-life care, or the guardian of a minor who's very ill or requiring end-of-life care.
Anyone who goes to the hospital will be screened at the front reception of the hospital or the Wawa Family Health Team, though people are asked to avoid going to the hospital unless you require emergency care.
The emergency department is still open - though anyone who suspects they've been exposed to COVID-19 should call Algoma Public Health - while diagnostic imaging department and laboratory remain open, but reserved for emergency and urgent care needs.
Essential appointments will be maintained for telemedicine, with physiotherapy services on for acute referrals - all others will be rebooked later - while the North Algoma Diabetes Education program and North Algoma Counseling Services are focusing on telephone and virtual care.
The Dubreuilville Medical Centre remains open, though travel to the Missinabie Nursing Station is suspended at this time, with continued access to the Nurse Practitioner in Dubreuilville.