Wawa Municipal Council's approved the purchase of new "street furniture" for Broadway Avenue.
Community Services and Tourism Director Alex Patterson explains the furniture includes a few things normally placed on Broadway's sidewalks during the warmer tourist season.
Patterson notes there will be two types of benches.
Council needed to approve plans for the street furniture soon - as the $40,000 funding from the Association of Municipalities of Ontario has to be spent by the end of the month - and Patterson says the order will be put in quickly, so the furniture can arrive in time to be put out at the normal time.
The Council resolution passed last night notes most of the more than $50,000 cost will be covered by the AMO funding, with roughly $9300 plus HST coming from the Municipality's capital budget.
The purchase was included in the capital budget presented to Council last month, though Patterson says he was able to get a bulk discount by increasing the order's size.