Chapleau Flushing Water Mains

Chapleau's flushing its water mains this week.
A notice on the Township's website notes it is flushing hydrants in different zones over the next four days, from midnight to 8 am each day.
Flushing's already started in the first zone - southwest of the CPR line - with the area northeast of the CPR line and north of Birch next, then the area south of Birch, ending with the area north of the river on Thursday.
The flushing's meant to help clean the mains and ensure efficient operation of fire hydrants, and people in those zones are asked not to use their water during the flushing, including turning off bleeder lines.
As colouration will be a problem, the Township suggests flushing your own lines through a garden hose or laundry tub before you use any water after the flushing.