Wawa Salmon Derby Reels in Modified 38th Annual Event

Wawa's 38th annual salmon derby is hitting the water today - but a little different than past years.
The "modified" version of the event does not include the usual meals at the marina or other gatherings, with anglers reminded to wear face masks and maintain physical distancing as fishing runs from 5 pm to 8 pm tonight, 6:45 am to 8 pm tomorrow, and 6:45 am to 1 pm Sunday.
While there will be no prizes for lake trout, monetary prizes will be awarded for the Top Ten salmon - including $3000 for first place - along with $500 prizes for the biggest fish on each of the three derby days, sponsored by Tbaytel, JJAM FM, and Trans Canada Chrysler.
Results are already in for the five-day pre-fishing contest, posted on the derby's Facebook page.