FedNor Support Announced for 3 Local Initiatives

Some local communities are getting federal support for project to help diversify and grow the economy.
Economic Development and Official Languages Minister Mélanie Joly has announced a total of $4-million in FedNor funding for 16 projects, including nearly $200,000 for the Township of Chapleau to implement phase two of its Community Investment Initiative, to explore new economic development opportunities - this funding will enable it to retain its Economic Development Officer for three years.
Two Dubreuilville projects are getting support: over $67,000 for the Township to purchase trail grooming equipment and complete infrastructure upgrades to a one-kilometre section of the Mooseback Trail system, and $117,000 for Dubreuilville's EDC to complete a full market feasibility study and business case to establish a thermal wood processing facility in Dubreuilville.