Wawa Municipal Council will consider approving the 2021 capital budget - and several other items - in back-to-back meetings tonight.
First up is a Corporate Planning Committee meeting including discussions of signage and insurance for predator control, the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre Reopening Plan, and the Municipal COVID-19 Safety Plan.
That'll be followed by a regular Council meeting, which includes a resolution to accept the draft capital budget presented a month ago - it outlined over $10-million in proposed projects: nearly $3.4-million in projects Council approved in previous years; $1.6-million in recommended "high priority" projects; and more than $5-million that's "subject to funding".
That presentation can be viewed on the Municipality's YouTube channel.
Also on the agenda are resolutions cancelling the February 2nd Corporate and regular Council meetings and appointing a new captain for the Wawa Volunteer Fire Department.
Tonight's meetings will be broadcast on the municipal YouTube channel, starting at 6:30.