WMC Holding Back-to-Back Meetings

Wawa Municipal Council's set to hold a pair of meetings tonight.

First up is a Corporate Planning Committee meeting, which will include discussion about the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre's reopening plan, a Wawa Curling Club request regarding hours for the bar, and draft terms of reference for a proposed Economic Development and Tourism Advisory Committee - that committee was recommended as part of plans for the Municipality to cut ties with the Economic Development Corporation of Wawa, along with creating a new combined Tourism and Economic Development position within the Municipality's staff.

Council will follow up on that recommendation in tonight's regular meeting, which also includes a resolution to adopt an updated MMCC reopening plan.

It also includes give "in-camera" items: a personnel issue relating to proposed organizational changes from the same report that recommended making economic development an internal position; a personnel issue relating to a contract review and/or performance appraisal; and three legal issues, including one relating to an offer to purchase land in the industrial park, and another about the ADSAB apportionment model - the report that recommended organizational changes also suggested the Municipality push for peer review of the model, believing Wawa's levy is "too high" due to the way the Power Dam Compensatory Grant is used in calculations.

The meetings will be held back-to-back, starting at 6:30 tonight - they are open to the public but proof of full COVID-19 vaccination is required, though they'll also be broadcast through the Municipality's YouTube channel.