LDHCF Recommends New Year's Resolution - Supporting the Hospital

The Lady Dunn Health Centre Foundation's suggesting residents make a different new year's resolution for 2022.

Acknowledging resolutions are often about changing our own lives for the better - like losing weight or being more active - it's suggesting "a resolution that keeps giving through the whole year and supports our local hospital", joining its monthly giving club for as little as $5 a month - and it suggests challenging a friend, business, or organization to do the same.

This comes as the foundation's annual Wish campaign is heading into its final week, which Vice Chair Lorraine Pihelgas reminds is meant to address the hospital's greatest needs, seeking to raise $100,000 for a new piece of equipment as part of a "Meditech expansion".

The Wish Campaign ends January 8th, though the Foundation reminds donations are accepted any time of year.