Ontario's Stay-at-Home Order to End After Family Day

Restrictions are loosening for most of Ontario.

Premier Doug Ford's announced plans to transition most of the province out of the current shutdown right after the Family Day weekend, with all but the North Bay Parry Sound, Peel, Toronto, and York health unit regions moving back to the province's tiered restrictions framework on Tuesday, February 16th.

Locally, Algoma Public Health's region - including Wawa, Dubreuilville, Hawk Junction, and White River - moves into the "Yellow-Protect" category, the second lowest, while Public Health Sudbury and Districts - including Chapleau - moves into the next level up, "Orange-Restrict".

The Porcupine Health Unit will also be in Orange, while the Thunder Bay District Health Unit - which includes Marathon - will be the next level up, "Red-Control".

Each region will stay at those levels for at least two weeks, after which they may move to a lower level depending on various indicators, though they could be pushed to higher levels at any time, if their situation worsens.