ADSB Reports Enrolment Higher Than Projected

Enrolment's higher than expected at the local English public school board.

The Algoma District School Board says the number of students enrolled in Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8 as of September 14th was up by 433 from board director's March report, with 208 more Junior or Senior Kindergarten students and 225 more in elementary grades.

There were also 282 more secondary students than expected, while the number enrolled in "alternative secondary programs" was down from projections, though the board notes - given the "alternative nature" of the programs - enrolment normally reaches projection by Thanksgiving.

The A-D-S-B's reporting 98% of its students returned to in-person, with 1.5% of elementary students or their families choosing virtual or remote learning, and 3% of secondary students going that direction - that's down substantially from last September, when 13.8% of the board's students were virtual or remote.