Wawa Council to Hold Final Meetings Before Election Day

Wawa Municipal Council's set to hold its final meetings before Election Day.

As voting ends next Monday, Council's set to hold a trio of meetings tonight: a Corporate Planning Committee meeting including a quarterly financial report and the addition of MMCC locker rental to the schedule of fees; a Committee of Adjustment meeting on a minor variance application; and a regular Council meeting, which includes a resolution to adopt the new locker rental fees and by-laws to establish a new Health and Safety Section in the Wawa Policy Manual and a provincial government-required policy on electronic monitoring.

There are also three "in-camera" items, all legal issues: one relating to marina divestiture; another about an application under the section of the Municipal Act relating to cancellation, reduction, or refunding of taxes; and the other about the ADSAB apportionment model.

The meetings will be held back-to-back, starting at 6:30 pm tonight, in Council Chambers - they'll also be livestreamed through the Municipality's YouTube channel.