Outgoing Chapleau Mayor Offers Advice For Incoming Council

As Chapleau's new Council is set to start their term, the town's outgoing mayor has some advice.

Emphasizing that helping the community requires "teamwork" and "a concerted effort between Council and staff", Mayor Michael Levesque says the new councillors have much to learn.

Levesque encourages the incoming Council to "freely ask" staff for assistance, as "they know the ins and outs of the legislation".

The outgoing mayor says he's proud of what was accomplished during his two terms, despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and a period missing certain key managers - including a CAO - including improvements to Lansdowne Street and the Buddy Swanson Volunteer Recognition Award, saying it was done "within a reasonable budget without exorbitant tax increases" - but he sees a shortage of housing, health care professionals, and volunteers in the community as key issues for the new Council to tackle.