Wawa's Draft 2023 Capital Budget Presented

The Municipality of Wawa's seeking public input, as Council considers capital plans for the next four years.

In a special meeting last night, staff presented Council with a draft 2023 Capital Budget, which actually outlines projects not just for next year but for the next four years, through 2026, many "highly dependent" on outside funding, intended to align with the municipality's strategic plan and infrastructure needs.

In total, it proposes $264,000 from taxation, $957,000 from reserves, and $405,000 from grants or other sources to fund a total of $1,626,000 in new recommended projects, bringing the total for 2023's capital (with previous commitments) to $5,019,716 (up a little more than a quarter-million from 2022's total capital budget) though there is a focus on maximizing outside funding while matching the asset management and strategic plans, regulatory requirements, and other needs.

Continuing projects outlined include the Liquefied Natural Gas project, the 5-Year Tourism Plan, Cemetery Expansion, Landfill Expansion, and hydrant rehabilitation, while new projects raised include: a study of the Town Hall including possible renovation, which could see it redesigned to meet accessibility standards; condition, needs, and architecture assessments of the Fire Hall; a Community Fire Risk Assessment; repairs to the Infrastructure Services building; continued sidewalk rehabilitation and pavement preservation; a new Water truck; a new "roll off" truck for the landfill; a mini-excavator and trailer that could be useful for multiple departments; water distribution upgrades recommended in the recent water and wastewater study; and work on the MMCC's sports field, which is already funded by an Ontario Trillium Fund grant.

Also included are filters for the Water Treatment Plant, which were noted to have had availability problems and skyrocketed in cost amid supply issues.

A number of other projects are subject to funding, including changes to make the Tourist Information Centre more accessible and a few projects at the MMCC - like it's HVAC system - following the capital budget presentation, Council did approve plans to submit funding applications for Phase 1 and 2 of the "MMCC Modernization Project".

The presentation can be viewed on the Municipality's YouTube channel or the Municipality's website - plans are to accept public input until January 6th, then bring the capital budget up for Council approval January 10th, then - once that's confirmed - the draft operating budget would be presented February 7th, so it can come up for Council approval March 7th.