Wawa Council Reviews Proposed 2022 Operating Budget

Wawa Municipal Council's had its first look at this year's operating budget.

Two months after getting their first look at the draft capital budget, Council similarly reviewed the proposed multi-year operating budget - both documents outline plans not just for 2022, but 2023-2025, though officials emphasize there will be yearly reviews and updates with revisions based on "economic conditions".

The budget's intended to maintain services - or return to pre-pandemic levels, in some cases - though a decrease in operational grants is expected - for example, the Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund continues to decrease - while rising cost of living, a shortage of contractors and supplies, increasing employee costs, and rising levies from external boards like ADSAB posed challenges for budgeting.

In the end, a 2.75% levy increase is proposed for 2022 - which would bring in about $137,000 more - while $100,000 of an expected 2021 surplus would be used.

CAO Maury O'Neill outlined the expected impact for the average homeowner with average water and wastewater usage.

The presentation can be viewed on the Municipality's YouTube channel, and is available on the municipal website.

Public input is being accepted until March 4th - comments can be emailed to mbatovanja@wawa.cc or mailed to the Treasurer at Municipality of Wawa, 40 Broadway Ave., PO Box 500, Wawa, ON, P0S 1K0.

Plans are for the combined operating and capital budgets to go to a vote March 15th.