APH & PHSD Report New COVID-19 Cases, Local Vaccination Clinics Planned

More COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the region.

Algoma Public Health's added 37 in the Sault Ste. Marie area, three in Central and East Algoma, two in the Elliot Lake area, and three in North Algoma - which includes Wawa, Dubreuilville, White River, Michipicoten First Nation, and the Missinabie Cree First Nation - though the number of known "active" cases is down slightly, to 556 - plus two "non-resident cases temporarily in Algoma" - with nineteen in hospital, plus one "non-resident" case.

Meanwhile, Public Health Sudbury and Districts has added 180 in Greater Sudbury since Friday, plus 30 in the Manitoulin District and seventeen in the Sudbury District, though the number "active" is down to 597, including fourteen in the northern Sudbury District, which includes Chapleau, Cartier, Foleyet, Gogama, and neighbouring First Nations.

The health unit notes it's holding "appointment only" vaccination clinics at the Chapleau and District Family Health Team tomorrow and at the health unit's Chapleau office Thursday.

A "no appointment" clinic will be held at Wawa's Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre from 1 to 4 tomorrow, while an "appointment only" clinic will be held for five to eleven year olds in White River through the Northern Neighbours Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic on Thursday.