APH Reports New COVID-19 Cases, More for PHU & TBDHU, Too

More COVID-19 Cases have been confirmed in the region.

Algoma Public Health's added 46 cases in the Sault Ste. Marie area, one in Central and East Algoma, one in the Elliot Lake area, and two in North Algoma - which includes Wawa, Dubreuilville, White River, and the Michipicoten and Missinabie Cree First Nations - leaving it with 615 known "active" cases - plus three "non-resident cases temporarily in Algoma" - with ten cases in hospital.

The Thunder Bay District Health Unit's added 72 - 46 in the Thunder Bay area, 29 in unspecified First Nation communities, and seven in unspecified district communities - though the number "active" is down to 211, with 35 in hospital, seven in ICUs.

The Porcupine Health Unit's added 37 - eighteen in the Timmins area, fourteen in the James and Hudson Bay region, two in the Kapuskasing, Opasatika, Val Rita-Harty, Moonbeam, and Fauquier-Strickland area, one in the Cochrane, Matheson, Iroquois Falls, and Smooth Rock Falls area, one out of region, and another in an unknown area - with the number "active" down to 175, including twelve in hospital.