APH & PHSD Report COVID-19 Cases Over Easter, But Declining Active

More COVID-19 cases were confirmed in the region over the Easter weekend.

Algoma Public Health's added 192 since Thursday - 157 in the Sault Ste. Marie area, 21 in Central and East Algoma, and fourteen in the Elliot Lake area - though the number of known "active" cases declined to 397, with 29 in hospital, five in ICUs.

Meanwhile, Public Health Sudbury and Districts added 292 cases - 261 in Greater Sudbury, fourteen in the Sudbury District, and seventeen in the Manitoulin District - though the number "active" is down to 389 - including four in the northern Sudbury District, which includes Chapleau, Cartier, Foleyet, Gogama, and neighbouring First Nations - with 25 cases in hospital, three in ICUs.

Both health units note some recent figures may not be included in their update, due to technical issues with the provincial data reporting system.