More COVID-19 cases are being reported in the region.
Algoma Public Health's added 29 new cases - 23 in the Sault Ste. Marie area, six in the Elliot Lake area, and one in Central and East Algoma, while the count for North Algoma's actually been reduced by one.
That leaves the health unit with 319 known "active" cases, 30 in hospital, eight in ICUs.
Meanwhile, Public Health Sudbury and Districts is preparing for an "appointment only" vaccination clinic at its Chapleau office tomorrow.
North Algoma's now moved away from holding clinics to instead having people book appointments: for Wawa, call the local Algoma Public Health office; for Dubreuilville, call the Dubreuilville Medical Centre; for White River, call the Northern Neighbours Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic.