Wawa's Economic Development Corporation is set to go dormant as the month ends.
Wawa Municipal Council voted in September to cease core funding for the EDC as of May 1st, based on the Municipal Government Wayfinders "municipal transformation and service delivery review" report, which indicated the Municipality could realize annual savings by discontinuing the $160,000 in annual funding, instead creating a new combined Tourism and Economic Development position within the Municipality.
With that date near, Municipal CAO Maury O'Neill explains she's been acting as Economic Development Officer "for some time".
O'Neill adds efforts are underway to implement the report's recommendations over the next six months, using existing staff and some newly hired staff - mainly on a project-by-project basis, as needed - but also with a new advisory committee on economic development and tourism.
A by-law accepted by Council earlier this month states the committee will have seven voting members - to include members of the tourism sector, local small business and industry, among others - with their term running parallel to Council's term.
As for the EDC, now former Chair Liz Talian-Clarke - whose last board meeting was Wednesday - explains it will continue as a corporate entity with a reduced board of only three directors for at least a year or two.
Talian-Clarke notes the EDC will have some funds to subsist during this time, though it will be closing its office.
Talian-Clarke does commend Economic Development Director Shah Mohamed, noting there were over 20 projects "on the go" last year - despite the COVID-19 pandemic - and he was working on a ten-year plan that has now been scrapped, given the transition.