Wawa Beach Season Sees Unfortunate Start: Vandalism

Wawa's beach season has come to an unfortunate start.

While beaches opened June 14th - with docks out, the volleyball net up, beach house washrooms open 24 hours, and a new floating raft at Rose's Beach - the Municipality announced Friday, June 24th, that there had been vandalism at Lion's Beach, closing the washrooms.

While the Ladies' room only needed some cleanup and has reopened, the post notes the men's roo dispensers were smashed and the Municipality currently has no replacements - with "about a dozen" on back order - so that room will remain closed until further notice, though hopes are the place will be "up and running" before the upcoming Canada Day long weekend.

It adds the OPP's been notified and will be keeping an extra eye out, while anyone with tips can direct them to the police.