PHSD Reports New COVID-19 Cases, Chapleau Vaccination Clinics Planned

More COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the region.

Public Health Sudbury and Districts has added reported 35 since Friday - 28 in Greater Sudbury, three in the Sudbury District, and four in the Manitoulin District - leaving it with 79 known "active" cases - two in the northern Sudbury District (which includes Chapleau, Cartier, Foleyet, Gogama, and neighbouring First Nations) - with 21 cases in hospital, three in an ICU.

The health unit's holding "appointment only" clinics at its Chapleau office tomorrow and Thursday - book through the provincial system or call the health unit.

North Algoma's moved to appointments rather than clinics - in Wawa, call the local Algoma Public Health office; in Dubreuilville, the Dubreuilville Medical Centre; in White River, the Northern Neighbours Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic.