More COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in the region.
Algoma Public Health's added seven cases - six in the Sault Ste. Marie area, another in Central and East Algoma - leaving the health unit with 44 "high risk active" cases - it shows none in hospital at this time, with only one "active" outbreak, in Extendicare Maple View's Ranger Lake unit.
The health unit's also announced it will now only report figures on Tuesday and Thursday.
Public Health Sudbury and Districts - which reports figures on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday - notes it's holding an "appointment only" vaccination clinic at its Chapleau office tomorrow, while North Algoma's shifted to booking appointments rather than holding clinics: in Wawa, call the local Algoma Public Health office; in Dubreuilville, the Dubreuilville Medical Centre; in White River, the Northern Neighbours Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic.