Municipal Election Nomination Deadline Nears

Time is running out for prospective councillors, mayors, or school board trustees.

Nominations for municipal elections across Ontario are open until 2 pm next Friday, August 19th, and Wawa Clerk Cathy Cyr notes it's a simple process: obtain the forms from the municipal office or website, fill them out, then bring them in - and pay the required fee.

Cyr reminds there are a few basic requirements to run, using Wawa as an example.

While it was quiet for most of the nomination period, candidates have been filing in recent weeks: in Wawa, there are seven candidates for four Council seats (current councillors Cathy Cannon and Mitch Hatfield, as well as Mary Harbocian, Jim Hoffman, Leah Isosaari, Robert Reeves, and Sue Smith), with current councillor Melanie Pilon running for mayor and longtime English Public School Board trustee Russell Reid seeking re-election; in Chapleau, only one candidate has filed, Ryan Bignucolo for mayor; in Dubreuilville, there are five Council candidates (current councillors Gerard Lévesque, Luc Lévesque, and Hélène Perth, plus Julila Hemphill and Krystel Lévesque), with mayor Beverly Nantel and longtime French Language Separate School Board trustee Roger Lemoyne both up for re-election; and White River is reporting no candidates so far.

Candidates are considered "unofficial" until certification, which happens after next Friday's nomination deadline.