Wawa Council Receiving Delegations, Considering By-Laws

Wawa Municipal Council will hear from a couple local residents in meetings tonight.

First up is a Corporate Planning Committee meeting, including a quarterly update on economic development and July and August monthly reports from department heads, as well as a delegation on gates on docks at the municipal marina, and another about bar sales and donations from the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre after Council discussed in their last meeting a staff recommendation to cease giving organizations a cut of the bar sales, an idea that had left Council split - Councillor Mitch Hatfield had noted the funds were helpful for the sports organizations to prep for larger events while Mayor Pat Tait and Councillor - and incoming mayor - Melanie Pilon both highlighted a wish to remain "fair" to all organizations, as the cut of bar sales is not offered to every organization.

That'll come back up in tonight's regular meeting, which includes a resolution to accept the staff recommendation - and recommendations on a mural on Broadway Avenue and regarding the marina playground - as well as by-laws to adopt a new municipal policy on waiver of municipal facility fees, extend the current refuse collection contract with J. Provost Contracting, and sell a laneway on Winston Road.

The meetings will be held back-to-back, starting at 6:30 pm tonight, in Council Chambers - they'll also be livestreamed through the Municipality's YouTube channel.