Wawa Sees 25th Annual Take Back the Night March

That's the sound of Wawa residents marching to "Take Back The Night" last night.

Wawa's 25th annual Take Back the Night March garnered several people - some marching with signs - marching from Dr. Rose's Beach to the Legion Hall, where CHADWIC Home Executive Director Paula Valois delivered a keynote speech with other speakers, ending with a vigil for women and children who've died in Ontario in the past year.

The march was held just a day after Valois appeared before Wawa Municipal Council, urging them to declare intimate partner violence and violence against women an epidemic, which Council did with Deputy Mayor Mitch Hatfield saying it was "well needed".

Those who are - or know someone who is - experiencing abuse can contact CHADWIC Home 24 hours a day, seven days a week for support, shelter, or referrals by calling 1-800-461-2242.