Wawa Municipal Council's written off the last of a loan to the local golf club.
Under terms of a multi-year loan agreement with the club, Council earlier this week agreed to write off an amount equivalent to capital equipment purchases made by the club, covering the remainder of the loan.
Prior to the vote, Councillor Mitch Hatfield sought to clarify whether the municipality owns the golf course, and was told that the municipality does - and has declared it a "municipal capital facility" - but leases it back with the club assuming responsibility and liability - Councillor Joseph Opato pressed further about any cost to the municipality, and was told that some department staff offers some minor support but it amounts to a "minimal" cost to the municipality.
Mayor Melanie Pilon reiterated opposition to the agreement - saying her conscience doesn't agree at all - but stated she'd agree since this is "the last one" - she did call for a recorded vote and was the sole Council member to vote against the write-down, saying she knew that was how it would go but "didn't want [her] name in there".