Wawa Municipal Council's holding a pair of meetings tonight.
First up is a Committee of the Whole meeting including a delegation on a request to lease space on municipally-owned property, discussion on monthly reports from department heads, the draft multi-year accessibility plan, a request from the Wawa Men's Curling Club to extend the curling ice so the Men's Bonspiel can be held in early April, and a request from the Superior East OPP Detachment Board - which replaced the local Police Services Board - for the Municipality to cover a share of the board's required liability insurance.
The latter item will come back up in tonight's regular Council meeting, which also includes a resolution to accept plans for a small Business Week luncheon on October 23rd and a request from Royal Canadian Legion Branch 429 to waive MMCC rental fees for this year's Remembrance Day ceremony.
The meetings will be held back-to-back, starting at 6:30 pm in Council Chambers - they'll also be livestreamed through the Municipality's YouTube channel.