Wawa's officially unveiled a new monument recognizing veterans and those lost in conflicts around the world.
During Monday's Remembrance Day ceremony, the new maple leaf-shaped monument at the Michipicoten Memorial Community Centre was officially unveiled and dedicated, and Royal Canadian Legion Branch 429 President Mary Anne Pearson says she was happy to see it happen.
Pearson explains there were a couple main concerns about the old cenotaph in Queen's Park.
Pearson says it was Municipal staff who'd brought up the issue, and she commends their efforts to help address the problem, particularly Alex Patterson and Sam Rowe, as well as Jessie Labonte, though the Legion also thanks Mike and Fern Moore of Moore Construction, Tulloch Engineering, Greg Hardwick and HGH Granite, Tom Terris and Wawa Rent-All and Repair, Traders Metal, and Monty McIntyre.
Plans for the old cenotaph will be decided at a later date.