Boil Water Advisory Issued for Dubreuilville

A boil water advisory's been issued for the Township of Dubreuilville.

Mayor Beverly Nantel explains the advisory stems from a temporary issue at the water treatment plant.

Mayor Nantel warns the advisory will stay in place at least 24 more hours, as they need two consecutive samples to come back clear - one was taken Monday and sent out for testing, though results aren't expected back until late tonight, with a second sample taken today though results aren't expected for that until tomorrow night - if both pass testing, then the advisory could be lifted Wednesday night.

Nantel promises to post updates on the Township's Facebook page.

Until then, residents of the Township of Dubreuilville are warned to either use an alternate water source - like commercially bottled water - or bring water to a roiling boil for at least one minute before using it for drinking, brushing teeth, preparing foods that do not require cooking, or making things such as infant formula, ice, tea, coffee, drink mixes, puddings, or jellos, discarding any that may have already been made with such water - Algoma Public Health also advises against using auto-shutoff kettles or coffee makers as they don't reach a boil time of a minute, and to use 70 percent alcohol hand sanitizer after washing hands - more advice on boil water advisories can be found on the health unit's website.

While the Conseil scolaire catholique Nouvelon confirms Ecole St-Joseph's affected, the school remains open, with bottled water to be made available for students and staff until the advisory's rescinded.