OPP Lament 6 Deaths Over Civic Holiday Weekend, Over 8000 Charges Laid

Ontario Provincial Police are lamenting a tragic Civic Holiday long weekend.

The OPP says they responded to eight fatalities: six in collisions on OPP-patrolled roads, and two off-road vehicle deaths.

OPP officers also laid 8050 charges over the long weekend: 4040 for speeding, 125 for racing or stunt driving, 235 for impaired driving, 69 for distracted driving, 554 for lack of seatbelt, and 99 for not complying with the "Move Over Law", which was a main focus of last weekend's enforcement.

Constable Ashley Nickle notes that law - intended to protect emergency service workers, including tow truck operators - requires extra caution and space near parked emergency vehicles.

Violations of the "Move Over" law carry a fine of $490-$2000 plus 3 demerit points, though subsequent offences carry penalties including a $1000-$4000 fine, driver's licence suspension for up to 2 years, and jail time up to 6 months